You are booking for tomorrow onwards. Our website does not allow you to book within 24
hours of the start time (except on Saturdays). If you would like to book a short notice
booking, please
contact us on Facebook or call us (02) 6174 1137.
All bookings require a non-refundable $90 deposit. In the event that a booking needs to
be rescheduled (within 48 hours from the session start time), or in the event of a
cancellation, the $90 deposit will be forfeited.
1. Select the number of players (It's okay if this changes before your booking date)
2. Select the game
3. Select the date you’d like to book
4. Follow the prompts and enter your details (you only have 10 minutes to complete the
5. Receive confirmation email
Note: You will only pay a $90 non-refundable deposit online, the rest will be paid on